calmr refactor

I spent a good part of last week refactoring my calmr package. The whole thing was motivated by creating an add-on package that included time-based models. Funnily enough, while developing this new package, I found myself rewriting some of the core functionalities in the base package so as to make them flexible enough to accommodate both trial- and time-based models. It did not work.

After a week of hair-pulling, I’ve finalized all changes and merged the experimental branch into the main branch of the github repository.

A calmr calmr

In the refactor, I rewrote some of the S4 classes. The calmModel class plays a less pivotal role; it has been superseded in importance by the calmExperiment class. In fact, pretty much everything revolves around experiments now. Here is a little flow diagram that explains the current organization.

    state "Design data.frame" as s1
    state "calmExperiment" as exp1
    state "calmExperiment" as exp2
    state "calmResults" as res
    state "Plots/Graphs" as pg
    state "Usable results" as ures
    s1-->exp1: make_experiment fn
    s1-->exp2: run_experiment fn
    exp2-->res: has
    exp1-->res: does not have
    exp2-->pg: plot/graph methods
    exp2-->ures: results method

The diagram above encapsulates the two biggest use cases for the package: 1) running quick simulations, and 2) model fitting.

If you just want to get a quick and dirty simulation, you can make your way through with a design data.frame, a model string, and the run_experiment function.

If you are in the business of model fitting. Then you can precompute experiment arguments using make_experiment and pass that to your model function.

I think I finally got the hang of generic methods, so I’ve renamed many of the clumsy calm_something functions into just something. I’ve also added some getter and setter methods not shown above. For example, the parameters method for calmExperiment objects will return a list of the parameters for the experiment (which otherwise is accessible at experiment@arguments$parameters). More importantly, calling parameters(experiment) <- new_parameters lets you set the parameters for the experiment whilst tricking you into thinking experiment is mutable.

Extra stuff

More tests

The previous version of the package had around 40 tests, and now it is sitting close to 90! I cannot emphasize enough how important these tests were, and how satisfying it is to go from 20 to 80 passed tests by fixing one single line of code.

More flexibility

The package now seamlessly supports many models in an experiment, thanks to the c method for calmExperiments. Just run two experiments (or better yet, use the compare_models function) and the results will include many models per output. This functionality was key for fixing the methods associated with representational similarity analysis (I really need to write an article about that).

Simpler app

With the refactor of the main package, I had to refactor the calmr shiny app. I did a pass on the janky HTML code for the header and reorganized some of the widgets. I reactivated the app’s sidebar and threw some of the options there. I also removed some of the options to maintain simplicity.

The last 10% takes 90% of the time

At some point, I was happy enough to merge the experimental branch into the main branch. All tests passed. Documentation built correctly. Vignettes were knitted. The website was ready and so were the gh-pages actions.

And so I pushed.

And the website failed to deploy.

The logs disclosed an obscure pak error with nothing else than a failed to build source package message. I install my local copy of the package using pak with no trouble, but installing from the freshly pushed repository failed with the same message. You hate to google an error and see another person asking a similar question, alas, with no solution on the horizon.

So this is for you, in case you google has brought you here. I am sure this is unlikely to be what’s happening with your pak installation.

In my case, I renamed some R/ files to their lowercase version (i.e., RSA.R to rsa.R). The Collate field in the DESCRIPTION file of the package does not automatically update and devtools kept throwing warnings, so I modified it by hand. Yet, when I merged the experimental into the main branch, the DESCRIPTION file was changed accordingly, but the R files I modified did not. That was the whole problem, hidden by pak, and revealed by devtools::build(). So, one file renaming latter, the website was online.

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